Remember in your heart and it will stay there forever.

The Regular, Rare and Remarkable

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Start of the New Season 2010-11

We started the new BYU Cougarette season at the Cougar Kickoff. Krissa, Dave and McKailey came to see all the new Cougarettes and Cheerleaders. We tried to get McKailey to say hi to Cosmo but she got all shy on us. All she wanted to know was what his real name was. She seemed satisfied when Sarah told her the secret, but she still wouldn't go visit with him. Next time maybe she will give him a kiss.

It seemed a little weird not seeing all the old team, but coming straight from the "Dance Captain" herself (Sarah) we have a superior team shaping up. Daytona Beach here we come. AGAIN!!!!!!!