Remember in your heart and it will stay there forever.

The Regular, Rare and Remarkable

Saturday, April 30, 2011

McKailey loves to collect rocks. She found this one at Zupa's in the garden. It has a Y shape inside and she was very excited to bring it to Sarah at her performance.

Krissa and McKailey. BYU Marriott Center. Oct. 2010

Honoring the 2010 National Champions - BYU Cougarettes

2010 National Champions! Go Cougs!

The Cougs donned their awesome leather jackets that they received from Nationals this year and were honored at the BYU football game.

Football Season has begun!

Sarah and our beautiful Friend, Alissa Carlson.

Dance Co-Captain, Soph. Year.

Football is not her favorite thing about Cougarettes, but she sure does a good job and it is so fun to be there watching her perform. All these girls are so beautiful and we love them so much.

We have truly been blessed with the addition of a new little Grandson. His name is Owen Frank Allen. After a few health problems, Krissa delivered the little man on Nov. 4, 2010. He is healthy and beautiful and has a lot of family to greet him.

Such a beautiful baby boy.

Halloween 2010

Halloween was a little uneventful, and as you can see by the post date, I am trying to get caught up with a few things that have happened since my last post. My two beautiful Russo grandchildren, Tripp and Pax were at home in Idaho so I had to settle for sending a package. Krissa and Dave brought Kailey over to say "Trick-or-Treat" but she had already taken her costume off and put on a Halloween scrub top I had so she could be a little more comfortable. Grandma Allen and I got to snap a picture together so that we could at least remember we did celebrate Halloween.

Judy and I put on some beautiful Halloween outfits and pretended we looked awesome. I love Judy. She is a great friend. We have a lot of fun together, especially when we dress for the occasion.