Remember in your heart and it will stay there forever.

The Regular, Rare and Remarkable

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Merry Christmas

by Cindy and Steve Russo

'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house…Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that the family would all soon be there;

Krissa and David in Springville they do reside...With their little McKailey, always right by their side!
Krissa, for the snow to stop she does lobby, So David can landscape instead of using the house as a hobby.
In Elders Quorum he is a teacher and Krissa the secretary in Primary, a spare minute? NARY!
McKailey is beautiful and funny and smart, And some things she will say could give you a start.
She wants to be a princess, She loves Disney a lot, She wants all lipsticks that ever are bought.

While visions of airplanes danced in his head; Stephen and Alesha away to Boise did tread,
He’s now flying people instead of just “stuff” and said to Alesha, I know it’s real tough,
But things will get better, we’ll be in Utah one day, but the good news is in Colorado we won’t stay!
Now for little Stephen whom we all like to call Trip, He just takes it in stride with Gus in his grip.
He sits patiently for mommy’s camera when it starts flashing, And on a magazine cover looks oh so dashing.
On Nov. 19th he was sealed to his family forever, and mommy and daddy their ties will never ever sever!

Away to Brazil Taylor flew a while back, Excitement at his return we certainly don’t lack.
He’ll get home to see the new-fallen snow, January 27th is the date we all know.
And Ma in her travel clothes and Pa in his too, Will take a long trip away into the blue.
More rapid than eagles to Brazil they will go, On January 19th, with Sarah in tow.
We’ll whistle, and shout, and call him by name; "Now, Elder! Now, Taylor! Go back from where you came!
To the top of the porch! To the top of the wall! Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!"

We can’t forget Sarah with her schedule so full, with School, Dance and Dating her life’s never dull.
She has been traveling for competition and is in West Side Story, she dances as a Shark for Orem High fame and Glory.

Now for mom and dad who are now really getting too old, There’s new life in the house no one needs to be told.
The prancing and pawing of such a little Yorky, Gets attention from all when she poos and is dorky.
Her eyes -- how they twinkle! Her tiny body how merry! Her teeth are like jaws, but runs from the cat like a fairy!

All is well at the Russo house, And we wish to say with delight,

"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night."

1 comment:

Penny said...

So does this get you out of sending a Christmas card? I thought about not sending any this year, but was told I had to do it anyway! I just figured anyone who cared about what was going on at our house reads the blog!