Remember in your heart and it will stay there forever.

The Regular, Rare and Remarkable

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I am Happiest When I have the man of my dreams

Only the Perfect Man should Apply

WANTED:  One male, born between 1958-1961. Must have good looks, be coordinated, and good at sports.  Must be able to win prizes at the county fair for his wife, children or grandchildren.  Must be on the shorter side, and like to dance.  Must be very loyal and trustworthy, smart, and good with numbers.  Must be willing to help kids with Math and Science with a willingness to instill in them a love for these subjects.  Needs basic cooking skills and a desire to help in that area if necessary.  If you can’t work with wood, do all handy-man tasks, and have a basic knowledge of mechanics and electricity, please don’t apply.  Must put your wife and family first above all else.  Must never complain about the tidiness and cleanliness of your surroundings.  Must have a charming personality when needed.  Must always give your wife a helping hand when you notice she needs it.  Must be willing to give great financial advice and be frugal but indulging with your wife.  Must have confidence in yourself and in your wife.   Needs to be smart with money and have a working knowledge of computers, printers, fax machines, telephone systems, modems, routers, and lawn mowers .  Needs plumbing experience and be comfortable around toilets, pipes, sinks and tubs. Especially looking for a blue collar attitude with a white collar job and a love for all people.  Excellent speaking skills are required.  Most of all, you must be willing to submit to the crazy, nutty whims of the females that will be in your life and be a solid and staunch supporter of all youth in the home.  Must be courageous and brave and know how to use a gun if the need arises.  Must be willing to stay up late waiting for children so your wife can go to bed when she is tired.  Must be strong enough to lift your wife and put her to bed when needed.   Must be a worthy priesthood holder with a strong testimony of forever families.

Monday, January 30, 2012

I am Happiest When someone really knows me

I stole this idea from Sarah who stole the idea from Emily.

If you really knew me you would know that I love my family more than anything else in the world. My Family and My Testimony are the only two things that really matter.

If you really knew me you would know that my greatest accomplishments in my life are my children.

If you really knew me you would know that I don't like my puffy eyes and my fat calves.  I want surgery on my eyes one day.

If you really knew me you would know that I have two tattoos. would know where they are :-)

If you really knew me you would know that I love to eat dessert sometimes more than food, especially at breakfast.

If you really knew me you would know that I like to be on my computer. I can spend hours on it. My Email and Facebook are two favorite pastimes. 

If you really knew me you would know that I dream of taking a Mediterranean Cruise. Cruising is my favorite kind of vacation.

If you really knew me you would know that I love to watch Bewitched with my granddaughter.

If you really knew me you would know that I am more comfortable at home with my stitching and crafting than I am on a social outing.

If you really knew me you would know that I love to read and one of my favorite things is my book club.  They are some of my very best friends.  They range from 10 years younger than me to 40 years older.  Yup, June Orchard is in her 90's and I want to live to be as old as she is and have the quality of life she does.  She is one of my heroes.

If you really knew me you would know that my favorite shows are Bones, Law and Order Special Victims Unit, Modern Family, American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance.

If you really knew me you would know that my secret desire is to dance like Sarah.  In my mind I can, but my body doesn't cooperate.  I live through her accomplishments.  My most favorite thing to do it watch her perform with the rest of my family by my side.

If you really knew me you would know that I am secretly praying that Stephen and Alesha move back to Utah with my little guys, Tripp, Pax and Eli.

If you really knew me you would know that I take Ambien at night and act like a nut.  I embarrass myself regularly.

If you really knew me you would know that I could have been named Lisa Ann.

If you really knew me you would know that one of my favorite things to do is travel.  I dream of the days when I can live in a different country for two years as a missionary couple with my dear husband.

If you really knew me you would know that I love dogs and want to be a seeing eye dog trainer one day.

If you really knew me you would know that I hate cooking but I love getting take out and eating it at home.

If you really knew me you would know that I want Sarah to have a chocolate lab. (A dog, not an actual lab to eat chocolate in.)

If you really knew me you would know that I work as the office manager for my brother at AnchorSix and I absolutely love my job.

If you really knew me you would know that my favorite chapter in the Book of Mormon is Alma 5 and Alma the Younger is my favorite Book of Mormon character.

If you really knew me you would know that I sleep with my Yorkie in bed with me.  (I know this will gross some of you out).

If you really knew me you would know that I want to sell my house and move into a smaller one.

If you really knew me you would know that I sometimes become a Firework and one never knows what I will do next.  The happy part of me jumps out and grabs the nearest person.

If you knew me you would know that I frequently dance around the house when I hear music playing.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

I am Happiest When I am Alive at 51

Yesterday was my birthday, and I am 51 years old.  I have decided that after 50, it doesn't make any difference who knows my age.  It is what it is.  I need to embrace and enjoy the 50's.  There has never been a time in my life that I have been happier.  My grandchildren bring me more joy that can be expressed with words.  My husband is my best friend and with me forever.  My children are my friends, they are better than I was or have ever been.  They are smart and the two oldest, Krissa and Stephen have best job in the world, which is raising my grandchildren!!!   My youngest children are a joy to live through.  They have the world at their fingertips and can shoot for the moon.  I pray every day that all my children will take advantage of what life offers and live to the fullest with joy in their hearts.  That is something I am only learning at 51 and I want them to know far sooner and avoid the silly mistakes I had to learn it from.  What I want them to know is that if nothing else, I am proof that we can get through anything if we just endure and never, ever quit. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, love and embrace who you are and what you have been blessed with, learn from your mistakes, move on forward with faith that God is in control and that if we just put our hand in his and do his will, we will have everything we need to survive and be together forever. Be yourself, that is what we are best at!

At the beginning of the week I was babysitting McKailey and Owen while Krissa and Dave went on a cruise.  I really enjoyed it.  It was great to bond and be that "person" in their lives that loves them more than anyone else around.  I could just eat them up they are so cute and fun.  Do you ever love someone so much you don't know what to do with all the joy?  That is when you squeeze them and tickle them and make them laugh and tell them you love them so much.

Steve had an important business retreat that he needed me to attend with him.  I was sick about leaving the kids when their mom was so far away.  I am so grateful to Taylor, Sarah, and Ali for making this all possible.  I bet I called Taylor at least 20 times the first day I was gone.  He consistently reassured me that he was fully capable and that he would take good care of them.  What a blessing.  I think I just took over Krissa's worry and all that happened is that we both worried for nothing.  Why do we do that to ourselves?

I was in Tucson with Steve for my birthday.  He was in meetings all day and the most gorgeous flowers arrived for me from him.  Really, they are beautiful.  What really bites is that I can't get them home when we leave tomorrow.  They are too beautiful to just leave here.  What should I do with them?  I wish I could give them to someone that needed a lift.  They are such happy flowers.  They make you smile just smelling them and touching the soft petals. While he was working I was at the spa getting a massage, a pedicure and getting my hair done.  What pampering!!!! And the best part is that it was free.  I did make one big mistake that I am actually glad I finally learned about.  There is a difference between a Swedish massage and a Deep Tissue massage.  Trust me when I say, stick with the Swedish unless you want to grit your teeth and hold your breath for 75 min.  Yes, I said 75 minutes.  I decided I wanted that instead of 50 minutes.  I was too proud to say "it isn't comfortable, stop"  I toughed it out.  And....I actually feel much better this morning.  I can see it helps, but I am not sure it is worth giving up the gentle relaxing touch of the Swedish.  We live and learn.

I watched about three movies, did my needlepoint and ordered room service.  I had a wonderful time.  Just me, my sewing and technology at my fingertips.  And wow, the tub is huge.
 Too bad we don't drink.  We had plenty of alcohol surrounding us.  But hey, just look at that chocolate that came with it.  Who needs to drink when there is such wonderful chocolate to indulge in?

Yum.  And see that breakfast?  Yeah, that is from the kids meal.  Really?  Kids in Tucson must be big eaters!  I think I am ready for Steve to be done working though.  I am looking forward to walking the gardens and going shopping :-)  We can only take so much down time and relaxation before we go stir crazy.  I am a blessed person and I am glad glad glad to be alive at 51!!!! Surrounded by lots of love and beautiful people.

Monday, January 23, 2012

I am Happiest When the Police Officer just gives me a Warning

Today Owen and I went to pay a fine for a ticket Steve and I got.  I actually have to tell you that he was one of the nicest officers I have been pulled over by, LOL.  We were headed to Springville on Thursday night and we got pulled over for doing 49 in a 25 on a back road.  AND, we still hadn't registered the car and it expired on December 31st.  Steve just told the officer he had no idea how fast we were going and that he had no idea what the speed limit was.  He gave us a warning for speeding and a ticket for the registration being expired and told us that if we got the car registered and paid the ticket on time it would only be $20.  The speeding ticket would have been $245.  I am so happy that police officer was having a good night and felt like giving a guy a break.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

I am Happiest on Snow Day Sunday

 Today is day three of babysitting.  I think Owen is finally feeling ok about things.  Yesterday was pretty tough.  He was really unhappy.  I was quite concerned that it might be that way for a week, but this morning we woke up and he is sooooo much happier.  Although he did wake up at 5:30 a.m.  I am very glad that I don't mind getting up early.  I am also very glad that he goes to bed early so that I can too :-)
Last night McKailey and I had a late movie/popcorn night.  We flicked out on Bewitched.  Just before we went to bed, Kailey looked outside and saw the snow falling.  So first thing this morning she wanted to go outside to make a snowman.  I told her she had to wait until it got warmer in the afternoon.  When it was warm enough to go out, I couldn't find Owen's shoes or boots.  I have scoured the house to no avail. I told Kailey she would have to wait until Grandpa got here to go out with her because I had to stay in with Owen.  Well, she waited and waited (not very patiently).  We called Taylor and he didn't answer.  Finally after what seemed a life time, they got here and they all went out to shovel snow and to make a snowman.  I took Owen out to see it.  I think he was happy to go outside but he couldn't get down because he didn't have anything on his feet.  He had to settle for playing inside with Grandma.
 What would we do without Taylor!
 McKailey went through the house looking for a scarf, a hat and all the facial materials.
 It was decided that the snow "man" was definitely a girl, so they named her Sophia.

 McKailey loves her snowgirl.  We have no mouth yet  but she cuts a very nice figure don't you think?
 Taylor puts the finishing touches on her.
 Ta Da......we are all finished and so happy. See the smile on Sophia's face?  She is so happy she was created.
Not such a great photo of the little guy, he was trying to help.

Ok..notice that Owen has Red Wine Vinegar spinning around on his toy.  Yup..he loves getting into the cupboards!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

I am Happiest When I find the perfect picture.

Ha, isn't this true sometimes?????

I am Happiest When I think I get the Hang of it!

Krissa and Dave went on a Cruise.  They were very nervous to go because they were worried about their kids.  After Krissa published a "How To" novel about Owen and McKailey they left.  This little puppy is probably what we all looked like on Day 1.  Sad.  Not sure. Mad???

Day 2 and this is how it is.  Grandma and Grandpa are bouncing off the walls.  In a good way.  Yesterday I got to rock my little Owen for an hour and a half while he slept.  Normally I would be thinking of all the things I should be doing, but then I remembered "this is what I am suppose to be doing" so I sat back and loved every minute of it.

Today is Saturday so we will be going to my house to visit with Grandpa while he does all his chores and to make sure Taylor cleaned the basement and his room and to make sure Jake and Jinks are fed and watered and aren't causing problems.  I'll let you know how the rest goes.

I am so very Glad that I have the time and the health to watch my little Grandkids so that mommy and daddy can go on a really really long date.

Friday, January 20, 2012

I am Happiest When I spend time with my family

 This is my Dad, my sister Melissa, by brother Cortney and my Sister-in-Law Erin.  We are at costco getting all of our yummy food for Cortney to cook for New Years Eve.  Steak, salmon, rolls, potatoes, salads, etc, etc, etc.  We had a lot of fun.

 These two kids have been friends since birth.  Cousins to be exact.  They love each other very much but they can get a little competitive.  The funny thing is that they are both so different.  What one excels in the other doesn't and vice a versa.  That is the best way to be.  McKailey and I got to fly to Boise after Eli was born to see the new baby and to get these two kids together before Christmas.  Santa has found them both at Grandma & Grandpa Russo's house for Christmas since they were born.  They were a little concerned that he wouldn't find them if they weren't together.  We did candy trains and glitter stars for the tree, we when and chased ducks at the pond near Tripp's house, we colored, played and ate a lot.  We watched 3 D movies on Stephen and Alesha's big new TV.  We even played a little Wii.  It was a very fun trip.
Pax is enthralled with this little guy Eli.  He doesn't know quite what to think.  I enjoyed being there and getting to know him again.  We bonded and I really missed him when I left.
Ok, this is so sad.  If he does something naughty he has to go to time out.  He heads straight for the corner of the room.  It is possible to love a little guy more?
Playing Nintendo and eating Sushi.  Two of Tripps favorite things to do.
Here are some random pictures of these two favorite cousins as they have been together through the years.
 Pretty sure these are copy righted, but do grandma's have any rights?  LOL

 This is one of my very favorite pictures of the two of them.  They are both so photo geneic
 Seriously?  Just look at that smile!!!!!
 Little Girls love ruffles.

These pics were too cute not to put on the blog.  I hope you have enjoyed them.  These two will always be special as my first grandson and granddaughter.  I love being a grandma.