Remember in your heart and it will stay there forever.

The Regular, Rare and Remarkable

Friday, January 13, 2012

I am happiest when I follow promptings of the Spirit

I am so glad I listened to a prompting yesterday.  I wish I could tell you that it made a difference, but I just don't know.  It was awkward and out of my comfort zone but today what feels good is that I did it and I didn't push the feel away.
We have a young woman in our ward that I have been very worried about.  I have been thinking a lot about her and even cried a few tears because of her rough situation.  Her mom died a few months ago. She isn't active and doesn't really have a crasp on the Plan of Salvation.  Then a few days ago a friend of hers committed suicide.  At mutual on Wed. night a girl made a comment about this young woman and I worried even more.  Yesterday as I was going through the day, several times I thought about her and remembered that I had a booklet we made for the all the girls on The Living Christ.  I figured that after she got home from school I would drop it off to her.  Well, I procrastinated and later that evening about 5:30 I was sewing and got that feeling AGAIN.  I can't explain it, it was real, and it was very strong this time.  Soooo, I shut my sewing machine off, left my project sitting where it was, went downstairs, picked up the book and headed to her house. When I got there I didn't hesitate.  I started toward the front door, book in hand and rang the bell.  That is when it hit me.  What am I going to say?  Fear went through me and there was no time for much else because she was standing in the doorway.  I smiled, handed her the book and told her we missed her at church and that we had given these books to the girls.  She said thanks.  We stood there.  I gave her a hug (which was awkward, but I was compelled), then I asked her how she was. She responded fine.  We stood there again staring at each other.  I finally told her I loved her.  She said "I love you too" and then went back inside. 
Maybe that experience was for me, maybe for her, maybe I won't ever know, but what I do know is that I was happy I followed through with a prompting.  How do you know when it is a prompting or if you are just making things up?  Good question, but until I figure that one out, my best bet is to consider it a prompting and just DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Too many times I have let those opportunities pass and I have been really sorry later.


Unknown said...

thanks mom, I needed to read that today. I love you thanks for teaching me to follow the spirit

Penny said...

You're amazing!!

Penny said...
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