Remember in your heart and it will stay there forever.

The Regular, Rare and Remarkable

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I am happiest when I don't judge others

I recently had a conversation with some friends about "Utah Mormons".   I wasn't sure whether to laugh, cry, keep quiet, or just let it roll off.  In my 50 years of life I have said many stupid things without thinking about how it sounds. I have judged harshly before, but no more I doubt than anyone living elsewhere. I have learned so much just by saying things finding out that I offended when I didn't mean to. We learn line upon line as we discuss other points of view. I have even learned that I actually want to see things from a different perspective, I just have to work on that from my home in Utah. But on the flip side, I have been very hurt by digs about being a "Utah Mormon", especially when I didn't feel deserving of the ridicule. For me I have found that the term "Utah Mormon" is something I can laugh at myself about but when someone else laughs, it's not as funny. A good example would be that I can point out a fault my child has but if someone else does, I will fight for them.
Saying "Utah Mormon" is almost always durogatory no matter who is saying it. To some it can be as bad as an ethnic slur. It's unfair no matter which side of the tracks you are from. Is President Monson better than Pres. Uchdorf? They are both from different places, raised in completely different circumstances. I can't imagine either one of them feeling they can go into another country, state or city feeling like they are superior because of who they are or where they live. I feel like I have a lot to learn from people from other places and living different places, and I would hope that I have some things I could help them learn. Please give me the benefit of the doubt if I ever say or do something offensive because I live in Utah. I certainly do not feel superior, in fact, quite the opposite. I just can't help the fact that this is where I was planted and this is where I have to work at being worthy to return to a heavenly home. (even if I am stupid at times :-). I am so very glad I live in Utah and that I have friends and family that love me from all different kinds of places.  That way I can visit them and we can learn stuff together.  Have a happy day!


Penny said...

My comment is probably too large to fit here but ... a friend of mine, who at the time was a recent convert to the church asked me what a Utah Mormon was. I was kind of taken back and didn't know quite how to respond so I started asking her questions to figure out where it had come from. Come to find out another member had said something about me being a Utah Mormon. It's been long enough ago that I really can't remember what it was all about but the point I do remember is that her comment about Utah Mormons was not only derogatory but it caused this woman to really wonder about something. Thankfully, she knew me well enough that she felt comfortable asking me about it and she didn't go away questioning. Ironically, it was the Florida Mormon's judgement of me that was more harmful than whatever she thought I had done wrong. I'm with you, it does feel at times like a racial slur and it hurts but the bottom line is I am from Utah and I am a Mormon and wherever life may lead me I am grateful for both!!!

Cindy said...

Thanks Penny. I love you.