Remember in your heart and it will stay there forever.

The Regular, Rare and Remarkable

Sunday, January 22, 2012

I am Happiest on Snow Day Sunday

 Today is day three of babysitting.  I think Owen is finally feeling ok about things.  Yesterday was pretty tough.  He was really unhappy.  I was quite concerned that it might be that way for a week, but this morning we woke up and he is sooooo much happier.  Although he did wake up at 5:30 a.m.  I am very glad that I don't mind getting up early.  I am also very glad that he goes to bed early so that I can too :-)
Last night McKailey and I had a late movie/popcorn night.  We flicked out on Bewitched.  Just before we went to bed, Kailey looked outside and saw the snow falling.  So first thing this morning she wanted to go outside to make a snowman.  I told her she had to wait until it got warmer in the afternoon.  When it was warm enough to go out, I couldn't find Owen's shoes or boots.  I have scoured the house to no avail. I told Kailey she would have to wait until Grandpa got here to go out with her because I had to stay in with Owen.  Well, she waited and waited (not very patiently).  We called Taylor and he didn't answer.  Finally after what seemed a life time, they got here and they all went out to shovel snow and to make a snowman.  I took Owen out to see it.  I think he was happy to go outside but he couldn't get down because he didn't have anything on his feet.  He had to settle for playing inside with Grandma.
 What would we do without Taylor!
 McKailey went through the house looking for a scarf, a hat and all the facial materials.
 It was decided that the snow "man" was definitely a girl, so they named her Sophia.

 McKailey loves her snowgirl.  We have no mouth yet  but she cuts a very nice figure don't you think?
 Taylor puts the finishing touches on her.
 Ta Da......we are all finished and so happy. See the smile on Sophia's face?  She is so happy she was created.
Not such a great photo of the little guy, he was trying to help.

Ok..notice that Owen has Red Wine Vinegar spinning around on his toy.  Yup..he loves getting into the cupboards!

1 comment:

The Allen Family said...

Tell Kailey I love her snowgirl!! So fun:) And by the way the pj's that fit owen are in the second drawer down in the changing table. Those ones are definitely too small:) Love you though, thanks for taking care of them!